Thanks to the Chargee Fleet mobile application on your phone, you will be able to easily recharge your company electric car. You will have a wide network of charge stations, including partner stations, for recharging. In the application, you can simply search for a charging station in the vicinity, to which the application can also navigate you. The application provides access to charging stations according to the specific specifications of the employer. It will show you the companys internal charging stations, the network of public charging stations, as well as your home charging station. The Chargee Fleet application will guide you through the entire charging process. In the application, you simply search for the charging point, display the charging progress, and get information about the completed charging. What you can find in Chargee Fleet:- Map of charging stations- List of charging stations- List of visited charging stations- Intuitive ability to search for a station on the map and in the list- Distance to the charging station and the possibility of navigation- Detailed information about the station and the charging point- Information on the progress of the vehicle charging- History of individual recharges- User profile- Charging reportChargee Fleet offers elegant solutions for both vehicles that serve one specific employee and pool vehicles that are shared among employees.